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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Been a while

Seems like ages since I last blogged. Have had a rotten couple of weeks, I've been really ill, Stewarts been ill and my little brother has been in hospital with pneumonia. Luckily Stew & Darren are on the mend, but I'm still feeling rubbish! Doc says it will be like this sometimes and I just have to except it and rest, which is the bit I struggle with, oh well not to worry, things can only get better I suppose.

Anyway on a brighter note it was my birthday on Saturday which was lovely, got thoroughly spoilt and enjoyed every minute of it. I got the creative zen player I have been after for ages and it's brilliant, even better than I imagined. Got lots of other lovely bits including perfume, a watch, flowers, clothes and I got a set of Rhona Farrer stamps too, they're LUSH!!. Even managed to make it out for a meal on Saturday night, so the diet went out the window but the meal was lovely, so well worth it. Hope everyone in blogland is well.


Sue said...

hey wondered where you had got to

xxxx glad you had a lovely birthday

Rhi said...

Happy belated birthday Tracey :)
So sorry to hear you're still poorly, not on is it {{hugs}} Take care and see you soon, fancy the SECC in march?
Rhi x

Lynne said...

Rhonna Farrer stamps ...... yummy.
Sound like you had a great birthday, you just have to take it easy and not go over doing it,
take care. What date is the SECC?

Do ya think they will let us back after last time ..... ? ;D