Welcome to my cardmaking blog
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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Really chuffed that I managed to finish my LO for my chocolate button team challenge on UKS. The brief we decided on was, Use chocolate coloured paper, Buttons, Either the word new, a significant date or Roman numerals ( I used all 3 just to be on the safe side) and journaling. really chuffed with it as it's one of my fav photos and it was such a big moment in all our lives. the Tag reads:

28/8/92 The day we officially became a family, I was so proud as I became your wife and you became Daddy


Sue said...

love it and I love the words on the tag xx

Paula J Atkinson said...

Really lovely layout & love the journalling.
Happy New Year to you all.xx

Oblibby said...

Lovely layout Tracey. The photo you've used is fab.

Have a great New year (hope you're back to full strength soon).
