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Friday, December 29, 2006

Well I have just recovered from Christmas and all in all it was a good one although it wiped me out. Christmas Eve we went to the Winter Wonderland in Edinburgh and it was great fun but totally freezing. Here we are

Christmas day itself was great apart from the girls fighting. Thought they might have learned to love each other by now but no such luck. They were at each others throats most of the time, but I still managed to have fun. Here are a few photos, mostly the boys as the girls barely cracked a smile

Everyone seemed to like there prezzies. As for me I got some gorgeous perfume, a new dressing gown and slippers, the Take That CD, Loads of bath smellies and my new phone.
Here is my new toy. It's the samsung Blush and It's sooooooo cute. Really must make a phone charm to go with it

Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas
Love Tracey xxxxxxx


Paula J Atkinson said...

Love that phone!!
Great family pics to scrap next year.
Wishing you & yours a very happy 2007.x

Oblibby said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas, Tracey. Don't worry about the girls - me and Gaynor were the same until about 2 years ago!!!!


p.s. Have a great New Year